Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What the good guys are looking for in a woman. Part III

1. A sincere relationship with God
2. Modest

3. Kind, sadly, is a rare quality. It certainly is difficult to put into words, its an abstract. In other words, you can buy a gallon of milk, but you can’t by a gallon of kindness. Like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can certainly feel it; you can even fly a kite in it. So, let’s go with the wind analogy.

Men for some reason or another have to dig holes or dig things up. Honestly, I can’t remember a year going by, that I didn’t dig a hole or dig something up. Well, a by product of digging is getting hot and sweaty. Nothing in the world, at that point feels better than a cooling breeze. That is what kindness is to us.

So you see, kindness is another quality that gets attention of the good guys. Kindness is part of one’s conversation (which in times past, carried with it the meaning of a great deal more than just an exchange of words), so much a part of it that it can not be cut away from it. Not something that is used as a tool, like someone picking up a saw or a hammer. I wish very much that a lot of this went without saying, but it must be sketched out. Good guys are looking for girls to whom kindness is part of their makeup. They are wary of those who use kindness as a tool of ingratiation, while acting with little care for those other than themselves.

Kindness is something that men need; but frankly, we don’t know how to ask for it. Let’s face it, if it were up to us, we’d still be sleeping out in the woods around a fire. In fact, when men spend an extended period of time around one another; it’s usually in the woods around a fire. It’s important that you understand this: in a world where natural selection occurs with regularity and absolutely nothing is given to us, we’re okay with that. That is what also makes kindness such a rare jewel. It’s what makes us want to come out of the woods, and fly kites.

4. Sense of humor
5. Courageous
6. Trustworthy
7. Willing to be alone

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