Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extraordinary Christians

What is it that transforms some souls into extraordinary Christians? I was listening to Charles Stanley recently, and he asked the question, "How did we ever get so content to know so little of Christ?" The fact is our primary suffering, even with the current recession, is bound up in affluence. The problem caused by having more than enough is not self-reliance, the problem is believing to any degree that you caused it. The thing that is killing our churches, is that the members never stop worshipping themselves long enough to start worshipping God.

I recently heard of a lady, through my pastor, who only showed up on Easter Sunday, so that she could sing a solo. There is a great problem in our country, that too many never worship away from their bathroom mirror. It is not that wrong choices are made over what give God the most glory; it is that, generally speaking, the people in the pews, don't care if God gets any glory at all. But, that's not the "try this, it'll make you feel better" preaching that I am used to. The reason I am not hocking those ideas, is because they are absolutely useless.

It is God Almighty that we serve, and don't you ever forget it! You do not come into His house on your terms. It is only when we humble ourselves (humble - to make low) that we meet with God on His terms, and you will never experience God until you are willing to do that. This is what has made the difference in the souls that we talk about hundreds after they left this life. They exalted God, and lived at his disposal; no glory for me and more glory for Christ. The only way to become an extraordinary Christian is to sacrifice your glory for His, and I promise you: you will never be sorry that you did.

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