Thursday, March 22, 2012

From Defeat to Victory Part II

The Light of life, alive in you, loved ones, that is what I am after. Listen to me, a few fishermen and a lawyer, turned the world upside down because of Christ: and we are still talking about it today. I want nothing short of you changing the world! To quote Vince Lombardi, "I'm not remotely interested in just being good." I am sick of seeing people who are unaffected by the love of the Christ they claim to serve, and I want to see people who are so moved by the love of God, that they can't stop talking about it.

So, you see, dear ones, it is not that there are only gloomy days and trouble, but it is, that we are built up and edified by those difficult and trying days. God is working to give kindness to our eyes, tenderness to our voice and gentleness to our touch. The building blocks that make you someone people look to in times of trouble, come from the hand of God. Do you understand that it is when you are undeniably hurt and broken, that the power of God rests on you? Let that sink in for a minute. The power of Christ, Paul says, rests on the humbled and weak. What was Paul through the eyes of the world, but a wee small nerd; but through kingdom eyes, you would see a lion!

Shunning trials, is frankly, to remain a baby. It is the one who looks at a trial and says: do your worst, so that the power of Christ may rest on me; who matures and becomes useful to the Master. What can anyone do, including Satan, seeing that God is for us? Not one thing, that will not fulfill His Divine purpose. And, loved one, you can be sure that purpose is not only full of Divine wisdom, but perfect love. You see, in addition to God loving you perfectly; He is making you better. He is making you to be like His Son.

More soon, loved ones.

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