Thursday, September 2, 2010

Praise in prayer

I was reading some of Spurgeon's writings the other day, and I found something on prayer. He said we seem to prevail with God, when there is an element of praise to our prayers. I hope that we all pray frequently, but I hope that it is not perfunctory prayer. I have caught myself on many occasions praying aloud and offering the same words in the same order. What a strange thing, I mean I don't talk to anyone and make a habit of repeating myself; so, why would I repeat myself so frequently when talking to God. I don't think that God or I get much out of my prayer when it is offered as a verbatim copy of the last time I prayed. I think ultimately, it is that I am not really talking to God. I think sometimes we all lose sight of the privilege of prayer.

Think about it, what subject ever had an audience with a king, whenever he decided to speak to the king? And here we have the literal King of kings, and we can talk to him with whatever concerns us, whenever it concerns us. Go to your favorite spot, the one where it is quiet and beautiful, and you can look and admire the handiwork of God; and then say to yourself the One who made all of this is willing to listen to me. Even more amazing, He is not only willing to listen, but He wants to listen. What father isn't moved when his child tells him all that is in his or her tiny heart. Do we really not know that the King Eternal is that loving Father Who cares so deeply for His children? And in light of that are our hearts not filled with praise? Loved ones, what a beautiful God we serve; call out to him with a heart filled with praise, and He will answer.

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