Saturday, September 4, 2010

The day isn't over yet . . .

Paul told Timothy at the end of his days, that he had fought the good fight. Isn't that strange? A people who love God and love others, who serve God by serving others and constrain no one to believe what they teach; and here is a champion of the faith calling it a fight. We fight to be sheep and doves. We literally fight the evil one to be both harmless and helpful. We should, and we have been conditioned not to, expect resistance. As a matter of fact, if you try to tell someone about Jesus; you can most definitely plan on being resisted. Now let me name names: when I say resistance, I am saying demonic and satanic opposition. You see, we have been desensitized to real Christianity by euphemistic writers, radio hosts and sadly many preachers. The great trick of Satan is to get us to turn the message from what we need to hear to what we want to hear. So here is what you need to hear: Satan and demons always oppose us. (Ephesians 6:12)

The devil always wants to replace an alarm bell with a soft chime. It is not the purring of a kitten that you hear, it is the roaring of a lion, who is eyeing you for dinner. Christians are being sent out to battle day by day in short pants and sandals, and they are either getting their clocks cleaned, or they are not being bothered because they are of little affect for the cause of Christ. So, we realize that we are in a fight; now we realize that we need to get ready for it. We have to put our armor on. When we get up, we put our armor on, because we are going to battle. Soldiers don't just fire a single volley, and then the other side says that's it, we've had enough. They know that they will be coming back again and again. The day isn't over after the first volley, even if it up ends you. Remember, greater is the One Who is on the inside, than the one who is on the outside. Battles are not fought in days and weeks, they are fought in seconds and in minutes. So when we've been knocked back, we need to dig in and pray, "God help me to not lose the battle; God help me not to lose the day to the evil one." Listen, the battle isn't over until somebody quits fighting, and God helping us we will keep fighting on, and God helping us we will have many victories on our way to our ultimate victory. God bless you all.

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